
All Things Pleasant on the Lake

“Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.”   Carl Sandburg

Morning fog is often unexpected. The forecast calls for a sunny day, but the lake has a different plan in mind. What a treat! So mysterious, and such a wonderful gift as the fog slowly lifts away and reveals many treasures. Look! A young mink is searching along the rocks for her morning breakfast. Beautiful Echinacea, Coneflowers, are now in bloom…such a showcase in the garden this time of year. And there are the loons, enjoying the peace of early morning. Loon chicks Ping and Pong are radiant in their new feathered coats. They are still happily begging for food, but no matter, Mother Loon seems to actually enjoy the physical contact. Proud Father Loon stands guard. He has been their champion, defending the family from all evil.
The best things…all right here for us to enjoy. Sending all the best, Kittie

(Photographs by Kittie Wilson)

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