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Dealing with Change

Pearl and at least one of her parents are still on the lake. Getting out for photos is harder now but we hope to have some by the next Newsletter. This is the time of year the male may be ready to leave for the ocean.

Turning to the Fall

The weather has turned a bit colder, the wind is down, and the sun comes up later. An early morning kayak or paddle board ride can be a misty treat! Mary was out on her board when it was below 40 and took some great iPhone photos as the sun rose.

Loons, Monarch Update and New Arrivals

Still spending a lot of time on her own, Pearl is now diving for more than 2 minutes at a time and looking quite the beautiful young loon! She is still begging from and being fed by her mom.

Placido is now on his own in Maine

We received an email from Kappy, Placido's rehabilitator, late yesterday with some very good news! Here is the main part of her wonderful email to us all:

Loons and Goldfinches

We’ve had a rather odd loon week. Several times there have been 3 to 4 adult loons swimming and fishing together peacefully. The following picture was a day ago and includes both of our adults and another loon. Usually another adult loon...
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