
Pleasant Lake Protective Association has been producing a newsletter many years.

Kittie Wilson originally created ‘All Things Pleasant’ emailing news to a growing list of members about our nesting Loon family and other nature on the lake.

Kittie became an avid photographer of nature, but particularly of Loons and Loon behavior. She received the Loon Preservation Committee’s Spirit of the Loon Award and the EPA’s Meritorious Lifetime Achievement Award for her endeavors to protect loons.

Kittie passed away on May 3, 2018 and is dearly missed by the Pleasant Lake community.

In  2018, the focus of the newsletter expanded to include the watershed surrounding Pleasant Lake. The future health of the Lake depends not just on those who live on it but all who live in the watershed that surrounds it. The newsletter was renamed “The Nature of Pleasant Lake” by its current photographers and authors – Jen Esten and Jon Waage.

Part of its focus includes continuing to monitor our Loon pair and their offspring. A second focus is on learning more about the inhabitants of the Lake and Watershed. The goal is a greater appreciation of the plants and animals we share the Lake and Watershed with. The more we learn about them and what they contribute, the better we can become at stewardship of our Lake.

The Nature of Pleasant Lake is mostly produced from late Spring through early Fall, but will include important information throughout the year. You can access previous issues of the newsletter below as well as subscribe to future issues.


Pleasant Lake Watershed Study

Colby Sawyer Student Project Community Watershed Analysis: Pleasant Lake Pleasant Lake is a deep oligotrophic lake with a long history of clear water and fine support for recreation and wildlife. As lakes age they change...
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Well Water Testing kits no longer available

Colby Sawyer Study: Well Water Testing for Arsenic Please Note: All of the Well Water Testing kits availalbe have been picked up. Nick Baer and his students at Colby Sawyer College have collected all of...
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Well Water Testing for Arsenic

Colby Sawyer Study Well Water Testing for Arsenic Nick Baer is the New London Health Director and a professor at Colby Sawyer College. He has been part of a citizen science research project across Maine...
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Loon Update and Fall Reminders

2023, No. 11 — October 3 Loon Update It seems that our male has left for the ocean, but our female and Paisley are still around. The youngster is always hungry and constantly lets mom...
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Backyard Nursery

2023, No. 10 — September 16 Backyard Nursery Our yard is mostly a self evolving meadow and pond that provides breeding habitat and food for many species. Anything that supports local wildlife is welcome as...
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Loon Update

2023, No. 9 — September 8 We are working on a newsletter about some of the young critters that are being raised in our backyard this summer. Meanwhile, here is a brief update on the...
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Loon Update and Damselfly Behavior

2023, No. 8 — August 19 Lady Paisley When Paisley was tagged recently, a blood sample and leg measurements were taken that reveal Paisley is a female! Paisley, now 2 months old, continues to grow...
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Loons and Dragonflies

2023, No. 7 — August 6 Paisley Grows and Molts The gray damp weather has not been very helpful for exploring and photographing so far this summer. We hope to catch up soon. Meanwhile, an...
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2023 Boat Parade Photos

2023 Boat Parade Theme: Looney Toons Check our Facebook page for many more photos HERE Grand Marshalls: Marsha and Bruce Johnson

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