

Moorings Update

As a resident of Pleasant Lake and/or the Town of New London, the Pleasant Lake Protective Association encourages you to become better informed about lake moorings.

Egg #2

And then there were two eggs! The second was laid last night and everything looks good and normal so far. The last picture is of some Tiger Swallowtails gathered to get minerals out of the mud.

Loon Update

We're very pleased to announce that we have one egg on the loon raft currently and we are hoping for another one today.  Jen Esten kind enough to share these lovely shots of the loons taking care of and turning the egg. 

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

The third week of April was very much another week of winter here on the lake. We were even “iced in” for a while as driving sleet and freezing rain left a thick coating of ice on lakeside windows. Nevertheless, we broke out in sunny smiles when we realized that the Hollinger ice boat was out in the storm, zipping about on the frozen lake!

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Wonderful things are beginning to happen as Lady Spring approaches our part of the world. Sun is rising ever more north along the ridge tops. Pussy willows are busy creating their furry little catkins. Goldfinch are putting away their winter coats and looking brighter every day.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

This week’s snowstorm made no secret of its presence and we found ourselves quickly buried in more than a foot of lovely white down. Adirondacks that we were hoping to sit in just days ago are once again buried. Feeders have been busy, busy with everyone happily gathered round the laden tables.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Even though the calendar has turned to March, there are ample opportunities to run outside and play in the snow! Skiing is excellent in the mountains, lakes are still frozen and forests beckon for your hiking pleasure. And for added excitement, the sap is running!

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

These words were written by John Muir in 1901. Spending time outside, being part of the natural world, is perhaps even more of a necessity in our world today. Nature took every opportunity to keep us engaged this past week! First a lovely snowfall, clinging to every branch and twig.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Sunrise reflects on an icy lake which has been inviting skaters and ice boaters out to play. Several warmer days recently have given us all spring fever. Spring fever here on the northern lakes always makes us think about the return of our dear loons.

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