
First Loon Chick!

Welcome Paisley!

Our mother Loon (above and on nest below) is pleased to present her first new chick. Paisley arrived sometime today and the photo below is from late afternoon. Bruce and Marsha Johnson provided names for this year’s Loon chicks. We are hopeful its sibling will hatch soon.

The family will soon be out on the Lake, so keep a close eye out and stay well clear. The next few weeks will be critical for the parents having plenty of undisturbed time to feed and care for their chicks.

Rare Visitor to the Lake

You may see some birders with binocs and scopes scanning the Lake. A very rare gull has been visiting recently. Jen got a very nice photo from her kayak the other day. At first glance it looks a bit like a Herring Gull, a fairly common visitor to the Lake. However, this bird’s black eyes and greenish yellow bill had us take a second look. This is a Black-legged Kittiwake!

Rarely seen inland, this sea bird spends most of its life on the open ocean or breeding on rocky arctic shores of the Northern Hemisphere.

To be continued… Jon and Jen

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