Invasive Species Prevention

Our Objectives

PLPA works to keep exotic invasive weeds out of Pleasant Lake. This committee is responsible for two very important PLPA programs: the Lake Host Program and Weed Watchers.

Photo by Jon Waage

Our Projects & Activities

The Weed Watcher program trains volunteers to recognize exotic invasive weeds. Weed Watchers patrol a section of the lake, usually with snorkel gear, and report their findings each month to the Weed Watcher Captain.

The Lake Host Program trains volunteers to recognize exotic invasive weeds. Lake Hosts examine boats that use the Elkins Boat Launch into Pleasant Lake and report their findings to PLPA and New Hampshire Lakes Association.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are always appreciated, either as a Weed Watcher or as a Volunteer Lake Host.


Additional Resources

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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