Loon Chicks!
Yesterday evening our first chick hatched. We arrived at our viewing spot at 7:45 pm to the distinctive coos of the mother Loon and we knew there had to be a chick. A very dark photo proved us right.
The Snyder family has been asked to name the chicks this year. Dan and Ellie chose Placido as the name for the first chick and Pearl for the second.
This morning we visited in brighter light and managed to get a better look at Placido.

Placido and Mom


Like all babies, lots of yawning and napping.


Later in the day…. Placido and Dad

Another Head Appears!

Say hello to Pearl, only a few hours out of the egg. Even though the eggs were laid about 3 days apart, they have hatched within 24 hours of each other!
Later tomorrow, we’ll be back with more views of the loon family for Father’s Day.
(photographs by Jen Esten and Jon Waage)