All Things Pleasant on the Lake
Wonderful things are beginning to happen as Lady Spring approaches our part of the world. Sun is rising ever more north along the ridge tops. Pussy willows are busy creating their furry little catkins. Goldfinch are putting away their winter coats and looking brighter every day.
All Things Pleasant on the Lake
The first week of Spring! Perhaps, just for today, we shall not dwell on the knowledge that temperatures have been well below freezing, snow banks are still piled high and winds have been gusting. Even Mr. Sharp-shinned Hawk is forced to tuck a leg up into his warm downy feathers as he plans his next attack.
All Things Pleasant on the Lake
Another foot of snow has us clothed to the very hollows! A section of the dock is visible down by the lake, and seems to invite us to “Jump right in! The snow is fine!”
All Things Pleasant on the Lake
This week’s snowstorm made no secret of its presence and we found ourselves quickly buried in more than a foot of lovely white down. Adirondacks that we were hoping to sit in just days ago are once again buried. Feeders have been busy, busy with everyone happily gathered round the laden tables.
All Things Pleasant on the Lake
Even though the calendar has turned to March, there are ample opportunities to run outside and play in the snow! Skiing is excellent in the mountains, lakes are still frozen and forests beckon for your hiking pleasure. And for added excitement, the sap is running!