Blog 2 Columns – Masonry

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A Looney Year In Review

As our last contribution to the PLPA posts for this year, we want to review our summer with the Loon family. Almost all of the photos below are ones we have not used. It has been a bumpy year for the Loons.

Turtle Cove – Hoping For The Best

As we wind down our part of the newsletter for this year, we'll focus on Turtle Cove and the other shallow areas of the lake still exposed due to the second attempt at lowering the lake level in order to repair the dam. The major nurseries for the plants and animals of Pleasant Lake are in these shallow areas.

Dealing With Change Continued

Fall color is at its peak around the lake. This view is from the mouth of Turtle Cove. In this issue we continue to look at how some animals in the watershed are preparing to get through the winter ahead.

Dealing with Change

Pearl and at least one of her parents are still on the lake. Getting out for photos is harder now but we hope to have some by the next Newsletter. This is the time of year the male may be ready to leave for the ocean.

Turning to the Fall

The weather has turned a bit colder, the wind is down, and the sun comes up later. An early morning kayak or paddle board ride can be a misty treat! Mary was out on her board when it was below 40 and took some great iPhone photos as the sun rose.

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