Blog 2 Columns – Masonry

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Loon Chicks!

Yesterday evening our first chick hatched. We arrived at our viewing spot at 7:45 pm to the distinctive coos of the mother Loon and we knew there had to be a chick. A very dark photo proved us right.

Flora and Fauna

This time of year, loon activity is slow with one parent on the nest at a time, occasionally rolling the eggs they are incubating.

A Second Egg!

Our Loons laid their second egg overnight on May 20-21. For a few days the Loons seemed to be very preoccupied with another pair being...
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Nesting and First Egg!

Spring is here! The Loons have returned and so have Jen and Jon, eager to welcome a new season. The Loons laid their first egg on May 18th. As of 3 pm today, May 20th, there is still just one egg.

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