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All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Snow has fallen! Looking up into the swirl of flakes that gather on our eyelashes and kiss our cheeks, our hearts are full of thanks for this simple, magical blessing...falling snow. With the coming of snow more feathered friends are frequenting the feeders and we give thanks for their presence. Chipmunk is still awake, filling his cheeks before scurrying back to his warm burrow.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

November, quite suddenly, seems to have realized that she is November. Much colder temperatures have resulted, as well as some sleet and even a few snow flurries. Mornings dawn frosty crisp and hillsides are grays and greens, with the exception of an occasional flamboyant poplar tree, and the shiny bronze of ash and oak. Mallards cruise the lake, chatting and laughing.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Autumn brought us a rainy day this week. We have not had a rainy day in some time. We suddenly had to pause and do rainy-day type of things. As the clouds lifted, rainbows appeared and by the time the sun came out we realized that Autumn had been busily weaving more of her stunning tapestry across the hills. Too, ferns are browning up and winterberry is loaded with fruit.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

As flags around the lake are lowered to half staff, we turn to Nature to seek balance and stability in troubled times. Nature is here for us now, hand in hand with Autumn, who often chooses to begin the day with a warm loving sunrise. Autumn’s colors rise with the sun, as Kingfisher chatters his approval and Mergansers begin their search for breakfast.

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Have you been a caterpillar lately? Sometimes we feel that we are just crawling along, making it through every day. Or worse, tucked deep inside our chrysalis, shut away from all that is beautiful and good. Well, metamorphosis is not limited to caterpillars! Be inspired by Autumn’s fresh, invigorating air! Feel your spirit rise at the sight of vibrant splashes of color among the leaves and the rich crop of cones in the evergreens

All Things Pleasant on the Lake

Autumn begins. She is just a whisper now, but we see her glowing face in the still waters of the lake. Autumn means that Mother and Father Loon will begin their molt. A few gray feathers are beginning to appear around their beak and chin. Along the shores, bumblebees bob happily in the jewelweed and gorgeous purple and pink asters attract butterflies.

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